Baby Bean 4.0

Today was our first midwife appointment. (Yes, I know, it seems really late for a first appointment)
We saw our bundle of joy dancing around...(s)he even waved once or twice. We also saw and heard the heartbeat.
Excitement is finally starting to settle in here in Neverland.
In other news. The house has been very quiet the last couple of days.
Our two oldest are spending the week with their Nana and Papa. After 7:30, Micheal is asleep and Mr. Darling and I stare at each other and wonder why there is no pitter-patter of little feet, no hushed calls for more water, no sounds of imaginary ninja fights in the place off sleepy, heavy breathing.
The mornings are much calmer. Micheal and I sit down to have breakfast at our leisure. No demands for cereal, or more cereal, or juice, or milk. Just the two of us sharing a bowl of cereal. (I finally got Wendy to stop insisting on having every other bite of my breakfast... and not two months later, Micheal has started... ah well.) It's no so bad when you know you have to share... you just fix an extra big bowl. :)
I do have to say, though, the rest of the day is almost more stressful. Michael does not know how to be an only child. The kid is Bored. To. Death. He does not know how to play by himself. And here I thought I would get so much done around the house with only one child at home. NOT SO! I have to entertain him constantly. I was unaware of how much my older two actually played with their baby brother. SWEETNESS!
I miss my babies. (And not just because I need help on the entertainment front.)
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