We've hit a new stage here in Neverland. My four year old has decided he is a microraptor. (It has occurred to me that he doesn't exactly know what a microraptor is, other than some kind of dinosaur.) But his microraptor is massive and has three claws. So, my son now tries to eat with three fingers, color with three fingers and insists on communicating with a series of grunts and gestures. I have also been forced to hunt every stuffed animal in the house in order to quell the hunger of said microraptor. (Except for Yurtle the Turtle... apparently the shell is too much for my little microraptor.)
I'm constantly reminding myself to cherish these days of make-believe. I'm not sure I am going to like the stage when all the Peter Pans and dinosaurs disappears.
But before I can delve too deep into that scenario, I really need to decide whether I should tell my giant, vicious microraptor of a son that according to Wikipedia the "microraptor was among the smallest known dinosaurs." And looked a little something like this...

...yes, I think I will keep that one to myself, for just a little bit longer.
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