Saturday, March 13, 2010

Decisions Decisions....

I'm still trying to figure out where this blog is going. I would like to tell a bit about my life as Neverland Mommy so you can relate to my posts a bit more. But I can't really tell you about myself until I figure out what you need to know.

If Escaping Neverland is just about everyday things, well then I would tell you about my everyday self.

But, maybe I want to randomly include how God is a part of my everyday life. Well, then I would need to tell you about how God has always been a part of my every day self. (Given my last few posts, this seems to be where we might be heading.)

Or, I could make this a blog about what it is like to be a non-Catholic mommy helping to raise a devoutly Catholic family. That would make my Neverland Mommy story completely different.

Mostly, I just want to tell you about my everyday happenings: some funny, some sappy, some ordinary, some extremely sad.

But I can't tell you about how my four year old thinks giving up cookies for lent means we have to give cookies out to everyone we see, if you don't know that my family is Catholic.

And, I can't tell you about how my mom's heart breaks because I hesitate on sending her grand kids to the Baptist VBS, unless you understand that growing up my family was devoutly Baptist, yet (again) my husband is devoutly Catholic.

I could just leave out those stories and stick to the ones involving our Great Danes that our children have always mistaken for horses. Or the ones giving the play by play of our latest shopping trip (which, let's admit, with three kids is almost always entertaining).

So many decisions... so little time. Hey wait, this is Neverland... I've got all the time in the world.

What Escaping Neverland stories would you like to hear?

1 comment:

  1. It is hard to start, everywhere feels like the middle. Just start. That's my advice for what it's worth. We'll catch up, learn more as we go. It's like a new friendship, the fun is learning new things all the time.

    But, I do want to hear about those Great Danes, since I recently acquired my own horse dog who is growing exponentially every day. Tell me you love them?!
