Saturday, March 6, 2010


I love my shower! My shower may very well be my favorite place in the entire world. When I get in my shower, I cannot get out of my shower. I can't help it... it just pulls me in, it's like a magnet.

Lately, however, my showering has been a bit annoying. I am currently dealing with that after-child-birth hair loss thingy. You know, that thing where all the lush, thick hair you get from the prego hormones all start to fall out once the hormones go away. So now half my shower time is spent pulling my long red hair out of my fingers and rolling it up into icky little red hair balls so that I can throw them into the trash once I get out of the shower.


To add insult to injury, I'm informed my beloved shower is infested. Just the other day, John and Wendy, who apparently had been playing in the shower, come running into the living room with terrified looks on their faces. "Mommy, mommy there's a spider in the shower!" "Come see, It's GIGANTIC" I don't do spiders, so I am trying to convince them to wait until daddy gets home. But then I hear the rest of their squeals. "Mommy, you have to come see. It's a HUGE spider! I HUGE, RED spider!"


  1. Hahahaha! I had exactly the same problem, and my hair only recently started to go back to normal. My husband and I would joke about how a big, red yeti had washed up in our shower. Gross!

  2. LOL! Thanks, It's good to know I'm not the only one.
